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About Me

   "This could be an expensive lesson," I kept telling myself as I bought the ticket. I was headed to Shanghai, China, to begin teaching Early Childhood in an International Kindergarten.

  I was born and raised in Oklahoma, rarely leaving the state. Now I was about to step off a plane halfway around the world, in a country where I couldn't speak the language. Food and culture as exotic and mysterious as the land itself. The worst that could happen would be a plane ticket home and a story. 
I knew one person, a dear friend, who asked nearly everyone she knew to come. I was the only one to agree.

  I grew to love Shanghai, the time I spent there, and the experience gained. The megalopolis of 25 million people shrank to some good friends who became more like family. The vast city quickly became neighborhoods, each with its own character. In the international school community, I met some outstanding teachers. Working alongside teachers from other countries allowed us to share ideas, pedagogy, and develop an educational system that draws upon the strengths and experiences of us all.

  Shanghai also blessed me with a family. I met my wife Jun at a bus stop. I then followed her back to America, so we both could obtain our Master's Degrees. After two years of school, 2.5 weddings, and a year in a small apartment, we welcomed our daughter, Mia, into the world on May 1st, 2018. She instantly became the center of our universe.

  We now begin the next chapter of our lives as we move to San Antonio, Texas.

  They say to be a great teacher; you need to be a great learner. I am fortunate to have learned from some of the best international teachers in the world. And I am lucky to have ended up in a great public school where I continued to learn from exceptional educators. All of them have made me a better teacher, and I hope they have learned from me as well.

  I look forward to the opportunity to bring my skills to your school. I hope your teachers can learn something from me, as I know I will learn from them.


I am looking for a teaching position in San Antonio. My strengths are Math, Science, Technology, Library, and Computer Science. I have experience with teaching in a Makerspace and can implement it into your curriculum.


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